Environmental protection and sustainability

For the protection of our home country

We love our home country, the Lower Rhine. And so that it stays so beautiful, we pursue active environmental and animal protection and attach great importance to the sustainability of our production.

Conscious handling

We know that conscious handling of nature is more costly, but that it pays in the long run – for nature and therefore for us. We carry out biological waste water cleaning for these reasons, in order to comply with the Indirect Discharge threshold values.


In doing so, waste water produced by us flows through a membrane bioreactor that filters harmful substances out of the water. Afterwards, it continues to be cleaned in a chemical-physical separation process, so-called flotation, before it is transferred to the final cleaning process.

With clear bonus

During the testing phase we were thus already able to reduce the chemical oxygen requirement (CSB) by 93 %, and the content of ammonium and nitrogen in our waste water by 90 %.


Since then, we fall short of the guidance value specified by the association during the inspections regularly carried out and have therefore – as a bonus so to speak – significantly reduced disposal costs.

We protect our home country, for it gives us everything we need to live.