Company history

Our company history is also a piece of family history. That’s because ever since Heinrich Manten founded his butcher’s business in 1951, it has remained in the family and developed into what it is today – a modern company that supplies its pork products to virtually every corner of the world. Throughout this time, we have never forgotten our roots and still work in a warm family environment to this day. The following time line presents our company’s development on our journey towards establishing a sustainably successful business.

The major project of constructing a new, modern refrigeration and freezing complex is completed. This expansion of the production plant allows the business to store, package and deep-freeze products on site.

Marcel Manten, son of Peter Franz Manten, joins the family business as a controller. His first major project is to oversee a comprehensive expansion of the production plant, involving the construction of a modern refrigeration and freezing complex on the company’s premises.  

Sebastian Manten, son of Peter Franz Manten, starts to work in the sales department of the company. In 2013, he joins the circle of shareholders and initiates the next generational change.

The company constructs a refrigeration tunnel and additional cold-storage units for sides of pork.

The production plant’s crate warehouse is extended by one storey and thus offers more room for storing E2 crates.

The continuous growth of the company necessitates further capacity expansion. For this reason, the facility for storing the finished goods and preparing orders is expanded with a cold-storage unit, a new butchery unit and a vacuum-packing unit. The offices and break rooms are also greatly expanded.

By purchasing the “Fleischmarkt Olpe” firm, the traditional family-owned company manages to expand its capacity in the beef market in particular and lays the foundations for further growth of the company as a whole.

The company begins to take on the form recognisable today. There are further expansions. Break rooms in the slaughter units (1 & 2) are expanded to accommodate the growing number of employees. Temporary container units are installed to expand the offices (3) and additional break areas (4). A paper storage hall (5), a silo and an outdoor holding pen (7) are newly built. The meat-processing area is also expanded (6).

The company grows once more. This time a new high-bay freezing facility is added. In addition, the cold-storage rooms and meat-processing area are expanded. The company constructs a refrigeration tunnel and additional cold-storage units for sides of pork.

Heiner Manten joins the business and takes over the running of the Operating Technology, IT and Production departments.

Environmental protection is very important to the company. This is why a flotation unit is built. A washing area for the livestock trucks is also installed.

The business is expanded with a washing hall and a chemical storage unit.

The business’s operations are already expanded in the preceding year: the company’s capacity is expanded with the new construction of a pig and cow slaughter line. This is also necessary because the company is granted an EU operating licence, meaning that the export side of the business can expand.

A burgeoning order book leads to the expansion of the meat-processing area, cool-storage rooms and the construction of a freezer unit with a 100-ton capacity.

Peter Franz Manten joins the family business and, at his father’s side, takes over production management and, from 1979 onwards, the company’s sales activities.

The weekly slaughter capacity is approx. 500 pigs and 50 cows – with a continuous upward trend, as the customer base will soon grow beyond the Lower Rhine area.

With a single building, the company starts operating at its new headquarters in the locality of Pont in Geldern.

The Lower Rhine-based master butcher Heinrich Manten founds a butcher’s business located in Geldern. As the son of a long-established family of cattle dealers, Heinrich has his wife Maria at his side to help him with the commercial side of the business.

Our company – a traditional family-run business on its way to a promising future.